Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First few weeks of yr two

Well I made the jump from homeschooling one child to homeschooling two this year. Yep! The 10th grader is staying home. Why? Oh that list goes on and on but just a few reason are 1. he was not being challenged 2. He was bullied(yes bulling in high school is a real and serious issue) 3. I wanted to be more involved with him on a daily bases to try my hardest to steer him in a better direction than where I felt he was heading. There is a huge difference from homeschooling a 3rd grader than homeschooling a high school child. You can't even imagine the fear I felt when I made this choice. Would I be able to pull this off? It has been 20 years since I even attempted to do an algebra problem.  Would I be able to find enough material to keep him challenged and interested. I didn't want to go the normal read the chapter take the test route. I wanted to foster the love and adventure of learning in him. Hoping it is not to late to bring that out of him I spent the entire summer searing curriculum and educational websites and I came up with what I feel is a pretty good course load.  
!. Mythology
2. Intro to Healthcare
3.United States Government
4.Medical term.
5 Algebra II
6. Literature 
7.World History
8.Home Ec/ Life Skills
10. Test Taking Skills

We are now into week 4 of this years grand journey together and so far I have to say I'm so very happy I made that jump. I see such a difference in him. He is not depressed any more, he is kinder to his younger brother and sister, and he has started to enjoy learning again. With 3 years left in his high school years I hope I still have the time to get him on the right track and will be able to help him set some life goals and see him reach them.


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