Monday, November 12, 2012

Time4learning Day one

Today we started our first day of our months long trial of time4learning. if you are interested in a trial of time4learning please see my earlier post for details. We started our school day off much like any other with Alyssa doing here independent work first. This is her spelling , handwriting, review worksheets, and journal writing. Then we moved onto our grammar lesson , math lesson, and our science lesson. We are right in the middle of a two month long study on the Solar system. I told her that we were going to try out time4learning and I wanted to spend this week working with her on how many lesson to do each day, moving around the website ect. We started off by learning her log in and password and how to get to the main lesson page. I told her I didn't care which order she went in but she needed to complete two lessons per subject area each day.. Just so you all know the lessons avg about 15-20 mins each so these are not extreme long lessons. Matter of fact because we only worked on review lesson(things we have already covered this yr) the lessons didn't even take that long. So far I can say not only is she loving it I am as well. She is a very visual person and seems to do well with animated lesson very much. I do wish the history and science was more visual maybe some imbedded videos or simulations would be great. I love that not all but some of the lessons have worksheets and teacher answer keys to go along with them. The grade book is awesome. Not only can you view how your child did today but you can put in a date to start and finish and see their grades and avgs. for that entire length of time. Say hello to the perfect record keeper for grades if you happen to live in a state that requires these. I am hoping that after this week she will be able to do this much more independently and I will have some free time to spend with the 3yr old. As for my first impression on day one it is a keeper and well worth the $20 a month, even if you are only using it like we are as a review supplemental add on to your normal curriculum.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're off to a great start with this new program. I have used it with my ten year old son since he was in preK. Whenever I come across a blog that mentions it I always have to stop and check it out to see if they like it as much as we do.

